Thursday 21 April 2011

Some Introductions Are Needed: Lance The Cat!

5 years old
From a few comments and messages I've recieved, I noticed not many people knew about my cat. Well, that shouldn't be! I guess it's time he had a proper introduction, especially since he might be referenced later. I have other pets, but none of them are as photogenic as my lovely boy. Don't worry, there will be LOTS of pictures!
(I'll get to video stuff soon, I promise. I have a post nearly ready for publishing!)

Name: Lance
Nickname: Lance-kitty, Lah-lah/Bah-bah (and various other baby talk sounds *cough*)
Sex: Neutered male
Age: 7.5 years (at time of post)
DOB: October 10th, 2003
Breed: Ragdoll (I swear, it has nothing to do with my name)
Colour: Seal colourpoint
Personality:  Lazy, sometimes neurotic, cocky, affectionate (when he wants to be)
Likes: Plastic springs, paper (especially if it's important to his twolegged caretakers), high places, brush, treats, butter (gluttonous bastard licking my bagels), mice, catnip, his cat tree, me :3
Dislikes: Being picked up 80% of the time, going in the car, pushy dogs and children, his harness, Lombaxes (sorry, Ratchet), not being acknowledged when it's feeding time, being kept away from his "likes"
Ragdolls, like Siameses, start off small and mostly white as kittens.

First night. He never slept in that bed again.
About 4-5 months. Ragdolls achieve full colour and size around 2-4 years
Lance was my first non-fish pet, even though I tend to prefer dogs (I got my first dog a few years later) a cat would better fit my current situation. I researched the breed for 4 months (personality, size, health, etc), looking up several breeders and shelters and found Ragdolls to be perfect with their docile nature and low shedding coat. We got him from a breeder (I dare someone to bitch at me) in Ontario in mid January 2004 when he was a little white ball of fluff that can fit in my pocket. Although not a show quality cat, his half-brother had a few wins under his belt. Regardless, I love my boy anyways.

6 months, lazing about.
Sniffing my grandma's old Golden Retriever.
First few weeks didn't go very well. Broke the odd thing in his explorations, hid, became very aloof for a kitten, kept me up for the first few nights (no one envies those with a new kitten or puppy when it's the night), stuff like that. I actually remember that his first night had Cats Don't Dance on Teletoon and the ADGTH tv series on UPN had La Doggie Vita (don't ask me how I remember). He also had a knack of vomiting since he had a sensitive tummy (especially when being carried). Once he accidentally hooked my eyelid during play, but he never brought his claws out again (...still used his teeth though, which I guess is worse).Things got a little better as time went on though, and my cute flluffer-butt grew up...

2 years old, with his buddy (an 8 year old Australian Shepherd)
Christmas morning. 3 years old

...into the sexy beast you see today. Starting off at around 4 pounds, he's now over 3 times that size. He's happy and healthy. Nothing eventful. He highly appreciated everyone's fanmail! He loves to be adored by strangers ( long as they don't pick him up).
He'll see you on da interwebz!
Oh, and vampires exist by the way. I was bitten by one, but he didn't break the skin *phew*.
(no, I'm not strangling him)