Tuesday 26 April 2011

Coming Soon: Spyro The Dragon (JAPANESE) Fail Reel

Not an AMV, but I've had this thing cooked up since...around the time I did my Spyro 2 LP (late 2009). Er, whoops. To tell you the truth, I've had this video on hand FULLY EDITED since then, but I haven't done and commentary on it (for those that don't know, all of the fail reels are post-commentary even if they are using thoughts I had while playing). Post-commentary I'm really meh about, but for some reason people find mine entertaining. It won't be any use in me promising that I'll upload it at x date, but I will say that I haven't forgotten about it. And I would rather finish TCT before doing anything (Possk and I already posted up 2 short segments. Chew on those while Possk gets her ass in gear *pokes*).

Spyro The Dragon NTSC-J Cover

For those thinking about why I should bother with the Japanese version while I have the NA version's fail reel, you don't know about how different the Japanese version is. Exploit1080 gave me an ISO to the game (I also have Spyro 2's Japanese ISO, given to me by Enardah). To those people and their community, this game isn't new with several LPs started and finished. This is mostly for people who don't know about it. Here are some differences:
  • Sign posts everywhere (EVERYWHERE!!!) that can be read by flaming them. I don't know Japanese, so if someone would like to help be my translator for a few of them (they show up in the fails. Who knows, they may be relevant) that would be great.
  • Sparx always stays green, even when healthy. It takes a lot of getting used to. Rather than being gold-blue-green-gone-death, the order is glow-less glow-just green-gone-death. This is very confusing in Spyro 2 where the cutscenes show Sparx gold.
  • Oh ya, Sparx also talks a little in Spyro 2's cutscenes. Nothing lame (I'm looking at you, TLOS) or even meaningful, but it does sound like he (she?) is saying SOMETHING. Perhaps agreeing with Spyro, who knows.
  • Camera is positioned differently. Gives the illusion that Spyro is jumping higher.
  • Charge is slower. To compensate, the thieves are also slower.
  • Different dialogue (duh).
  • Minor changes in gem/container placement and level design. 
I WANT TO SHOOT THAT FUCKING CAMERA! It's nauseating (to be honest, I can't play it more than 30-60 minutes without feeling ill), gets stuck constantly, and is far too slow. Spyro's original camera wasn't innocent, but at least it was functional. While the fail reels from yester(few)years, 90% of the fails were my fault. Now, most of the fails have to do with level design and *shudders* that camera.

Those are pretty much the biggies. Not sure if it was Insomniac or some Japanese company, but I don't know what little Japanese children did to deserve a game like this. Spyro was never popular in Japan (apparently Crash had some fair support), so for some reason they skipped Spyro 3 and did Enter The Dragonfly instead. Logic not found.

This will most likely be the last fail reel I do since just about every game I play doesn't have many fails that can be made fun of. I was originally planning to have a Sephiroth fail reel from KH 1 and 2 (FF7's wasn't set up for a lot of retries and it would just be a pain) since I'm sure more people would sympathize with how Sephy can rape you in a few moments. Stupid emo pineapple Cloud isn't doing his job.

In short, I need to cook up 10 minutes of post-commentary and you'll be free to ridicule. I'm sure the game itself failed more than I did. There will be no annotations open since I can't moderate everything at the rate people post. Sorry, but blame the people that flood and spam it up.