Sunday 16 October 2011

The AMV Files: One Heck Of A Ride [Working Title]

Even though this video will feature a series of games, this is going to be a little more close to home as far as AMVs go (as in little gameplay). Oh, and lots of spoilers coming this way.

There are many great duos in video games, but I can't help but place Ratchet and Clank at the top (...ok, maybe 2nd with Ico and Yorda at the top). They may not be as deep or complex as [insert Team Ico game relationship here], but it's just a charming mix. They're strange, entertaining, and sometimes heartwarming. The weapons and gameplay may be the core reasons why I buy the games and salivate on Insomniac's laps, but it's Ratchet and Clank themselves provide good icing to the game's already winning formula.

Title: One Heck Of A Ride [Working title, likely to change]
Song: "Dig" by Incubus
Focus: Ratchet and Clank's friendship (AND NOTHING ELSE)
Footage: Ratchet and Clank, Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando, Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal, Ratchet: Deadlocked, Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools Of Destruction, Ratchet and Clank Future: Quest For Booty, Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack In Time, any useful promotional material I can find. If I'm desperate, I'll maybe dig up something from All 4 One (when it comes out) and *shudders* Playstation Move Heroes (I still think that title is lame)
Progress: 1 minute, not sure how much remaining in case I snip the song more
Beta: Uploaded

Again, for those living under rocks, Ratchet and Clank are two of the most beloved Sony heroes, with a franchise spanning across both the PS2 and PS3 with a short 2-game romp on the PSP and even a cell phone...thing. You may also know it as one of the franchises PS fanboys/girls use to gloat to Xbox fanboys/girls, and for good reason :3. The games combine elements from both third-person shooters and platformers (two genres developer Insomniac games have had history with before) mixed in with a light atmosphere, good stylized aesthetics (one of the best on the PS3 in my opinion), and humor. It's a very fun series and perhaps my favourite gaming franchise, though I guess I should stop with this tangent. I'll gush about these games later. Here is the (extended) commercial from 2007 of their first PS3 game.

Like I said before, Ratchet and Clank's friendship isn't one of depth and complexity. There isn't a lot of tearjerker moments or a huge amount of turbulence. It's just cute, fun, and charming. Two buddies that may get into a scrap once in a while (especially in the first game and TOD. Man, Ratchet was a complete ass in those games), though it's not an easy scenario when you're an AMV maker that thrives on sappy drama. There are a few R&C AMVs out there, but like with SOTC there aren't many good ones and many of the better ones are rather effecty (not bad, just effecty). There aren't many "meaningful" cutscenes in that kind of context. The Future series is a little more story driven and boasts more cutscenes so most of the footage I downloaded were from those games.

The video will focus on the friendship of the two characters and their friendship. Duh. Here is where I sit in my easy chair and spout off spoilers since I've already warned them and can waggle my finger if they didn't listen. The plot I'll use in this AMV starts in A Crack In Time where Ratchet, after defeating his arch nemesis, is killed by Alister Azimuth (who was his mentor and about a minute earlier saved him from crashing). Clank runs back into the Orvus Chamber where he has a hard choice as the new keeper of time. Does he risk ripping the universe apart to save his lifelong friend, or obey his creator's wishes and accept his responsibility in maintaining the clock? The video then acts somewhat as Ratchet's voice in Clank's head. How he'll always be there, even if he may act like an idiot sometimes (usually because his ego is the size of a watermelon). Told you it wasn't particularly creative, but damn it I want to make a video to these games so badly!

You don't want to know how much trouble it was to look for a good song to use. I looked at a few like "Break My Fall" by Breaking Benjamin and "Simon" by Lifehouse. First one seemed to be about an abusive relationship (last thing I need is slash), and the second was a bit too long and sentimental. TheBlackfang29 told me (er, more like reminded me) about "Dig" by Incubus. It too is a bit on the sentimental side but still fits quite well to some of the events in the games. I might need to snip it a touch though, but I'm not sure where or how much.

In short, the video will be simple in design and will remind you to BUY the games if you have a PS2 and/or PS3. Seriously, buy it. They're among the most competent Sony exclusive franchises and the closest thing Sony has to a mascot in this day and age. Makes me happy when I see Ratchet cut-outs or signs standing to represent the PS sections (as opposed to Kratos, Cole, those dudes in Killzone, etc), or his rather brief appearance in the "Michael" commercial near Ezio.

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